5 Steps To Keep Pests Away

Wood rot damageInsects may be tiny, but they can pack a mighty punch when it comes to damaging your yard and home. Here are a few guidelines to help you cut them off at the pass:

ELIMINATE DEBRIS from around your home. Not only is it unsightly, it can provide a place for spiders, rats, & wood-boring insects to call home.

MOVE FIREWOOD. Firewood should be stored at least three feet away from your home to help prevent termite infestation, which can cause tremendous damage to wood and siding and often goes unnoticed until it becomes costly to remedy.

CLEAN YOUR GUTTERS. Backed-up water due to clogged gutters can be especially inviting to mosquitos, the pesky critters who can ruin any backyard barbeque.

MOVE FEEDERS. If you feed birds near the structure of your home, you’re potentially inviting the seed-loving rodents as well. Moving the feeders away from the structure will ensure the beauty of nature remains without the pests.

ELIMINATE WEEDS. Weeds and other vegetation under wooden decks and structures can provide a safe haven and breeding ground for pests. Kill those unneeded weeds and they’ll have no place to call home.

Michael Carr is the Co-Founder & COO of BrandFace, LLC. He is also a real estate branding expert and international bestselling author. As America’s Top Selling Real Estate Auctioneer, he has sold billions of dollars in commercial and residential properties.

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