Michael Carr & Associates is offering a FREE For Sale By Owner Kit, providing valuable resources and information to help individuals successfully sell their homes on their own.
First, we feel compelled to provide services you may not expect because we are dedicated to being the experts when it comes to buying and selling real estate.
Second (and admittedly, selfishly so!), approximately 70% of homeowners who attempt to sell their own home end up hiring an agent within 30-45 days. And yes, we hope you choose us! Either way, this information should help you navigate through the process.
THANK YOU for choosing us to help you!
*By submitting this form the homeowner acknowledges that Michael Carr, Michael Carr & Associates, Inc. or any of its agents, owners, shareholders, subsidiaries or representatives are providing complimentary information or services. Homeowner agrees that the use of the materials or services does not create an agency relationship with Michael Carr & Associates, Inc. or any of its agents expressed or implied until such time as homeowner signs an agency agreement. Homeowner further agrees to indemnify and hold harmless all of the above from any and all causes of action, liabilities, claims, lawsuits, damages, regulatory or administrative proceedings and fees including reasonable attorney’s fees which may arise out of the use of the materials or services provided as it relates to the marketing of homeowners property.
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